Research Databases
NB! Discovery finds articles and e-books but does not include Taylor & Francis and ProQuest ebooks accessible through the BALTDEFCOL Library.
You can select one or more databases to search from the list, including Academic Search Ultimate, Business Source Ultimate, eBook Academic Collection, etc.
Taylor & Francis Online
Taylor & Francis Online access is limited to the Journal Collection of Strategic, Defence & Security Studies.
ProQuest Military Collection
The database contains scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, and conference proceedings covering all military branches.
ProQuest Ebook Central
The database contains e-books on many different disciplines and from various publishers. A selection of books is available to read and borrow; other books are available upon request.
Taylor & Francis eBooks
Selection of Taylor & Francis eBooks are available to read; others must be ordered through the BALTDEFCOL library.
The database of the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education contains full-text documents and references to scholarly publications in education and
instruction dating back to 1996.