17th International Night dedicated for Ukrainian families

On 24th March, the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) conducted an annual event, "International Night". This year's traditional celebration was different. Friends and colleagues from Ukraine are back home, defending their country. "International Night" is about the unity of nations, and during hard times it is even more important to build up the feeling of unity and cohesion, and that feeling was there.

The Commandant of the BALTDEFCOL Brigadier General Ilmar Tamm emphasized in his welcome speech the importance of unity and support to the family members of our Ukrainian colleagues, who are fighting for their country.

"As long as you can preserve your language, traditions, culture, and you want to fight and protect this, your nation will stay alive," said BG Tamm.

The "International Night" allows promoting the diverse and unique culture and traditions of Nations represented at the BALTDEFCOL, and the event was open for college staff members and students, their families and invited guests.

Representatives from Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania had prepared national performances, and seventeen national tables were offering traditional food and drinks from Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Georgia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, United Kingdom, Ukraine, and the United States.

This year the traditional fundraiser by BALTSPOUSES focused on supporting the families of our Ukrainian students.


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