43rd Conference of Commandants

43rd Conference of Commandants

The Commandant of the Baltic Defence College Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras accompanied by Dr. Augustine Meaher the Director of the Department of Political and Strategic Studies and Major Vilius Zagurskis attended the 43rd Conference of Commandants at the National Defence University of Romania in Bucharest.


The Conference of Commandants is an annual conference drawing together the commandants of professional military educational institutions in NATO nations and their allies and partners from as far afield as Africa and Australia. The commandants and their staffs discuss current developments and trends in professional military education to ensure that their institutions remain at the forward edge of developments.

The Commandant of the Baltic Defence College was accorded the honour of addressing the Conference on “Development of Courses in Cooperation”. Major-General Vaikšnoras invited his fellow Commandants to join the Baltic Defence College in establishing and enhancing cooperation in the field of professional military education.

This cooperation is necessary to generate “post-modern” warriors and will ensure that officers and civil servants receive the best possible professional education at all stages of their careers.

Major-General Vaikšnoras trusts the Conference of Commandants will be the first step in deeper cooperation that will benefit professional military education throughout the Euro-Atlantic sphere and ensure our officers are ready for the challenges of the future.


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