6th Annual Conference on Baltic Military History

6th Annual Conference on Baltic Military History

The Baltic Defence College held the 6th Annual Conference on Baltic Military History 14 -15 October 2014. The theme for this year’s Conference was Adaptation and Innovation in Baltic Military History.

The Conference was opened by Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras who welcomed Conference participants and emphasized that „study of the history trains the minds of the future leaders we educate at BALTDEFCOL and gives them a broad understanding of his or her profession.“ A strong contingent of academics from three Baltic countries and Italy participated in the 6th Annual Conference.

Presentations in conference covered such diverse topics as innovations in tactics in the Battle of Karuse in 1270; commercial maritime development in Estonia and the establishment of the Estonian Navy in 1918 – 1919; Lithuanian aircraft design
1921 – 1940; the post-World War II international relations and security ideas of veterans in diaspora.

Institutions represented at conference included the Baltic Defence College, the Estonian Maritime Museum, the University of Tartu, the Latvian National Defence Academy and the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania. 

The Baltic Military History Conference is part of the Baltic Defence College program to deepen academic cooperation among Baltic and international universities.


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