BALDEFCOL Commandant visited Royal Military Academy (RMA) of Belgium

BALDEFCOL Commandant visited Royal Military Academy (RMA) of Belgium


On 12th of September Baltic Defence College Commandant Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras accompanied by his MA Captain Vilius Zagurskis visited the Belgian Royal Military Academy (RMA) in Bruxelles.



The delegation was welcomed by the Commandant of RMA Major General Harry Vindevogel. Belgian experts provided a series of briefings to inform BALTDEFCOL Commandant about the RMA history, professional military educations system, courses, curricula and exercises.

As one of the topics the formation of BENELUX military college (college co-established by Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg) was touched and BALTDEFCOL delegation had an excellent opportunity to share information and experiences of building and developing a trilateral educational institution.

Meetings, held in a very open and friendly environment, included extensive discussions regarding joint exercise opportunities, faculty exchange opportunities, future cooperation and engagement. Both sides agreed to keep in touch and intensify mutual cooperation in the future.


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