BALTDEFCOL Commandant visited Spain

BALTDEFCOL Commandant visited Spain

On 4-5 March 2014, the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) Commandant Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras, accompanied by his Military Assistant Major Vilius Zagurskis conducted a two day visit to the Spanish Higher Center for National Defence Studies (CESEDEN) located in Madrid.

The main objectives of the visit were to get familiar with the structure and capabilities of the CESEDEN, to initiate cooperation between two institutions as well as to heighten visibility of BALTDEFCOL.

The delegation was welcomed by the Director CESEDEN Lieutenant General Alfonso De La Rosa Morena and his staff. During the series of meetings both parties introduced each other to the respective institutions.

Later delegation had a possibility to take a look to excellent premises of the Higher Center for National Defence Studies.

During a separate meeting possible bilateral future cooperation was discussed in more details. Both sides discussed questions related to the future of higher military education as well exchanged views in matters such as student and faculty exchange; cooperation in research, conferences, seminars, and joint publications; mutual support to international study trips and staff rides, as well cooperation sharing the best practice. 

It was good opportunity for the BALTDEFCOL delegation to have insight in how higher level military education is organized in Spain. All meetings were conducted in very friendly and open environment. Using the possibility MG Vitalijus Vaikšnoras invited Spanish side to visit BALTDEFCOL in the near future.

CESEDN is the main joint Spanish Defence higher educational establishment responsible for providing high level defence studies at operational and strategic level as well performing as research institution. This year Spanish center celebrated its 50th year anniversary of establishment.

Pictures provided by CESEDEN and BALTDEFCOL 


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