BALTDEFCOL Delegation Visited Allied Command Transformation

BALTDEFCOL Delegation Visited Allied Command Transformation


The BALTDEFCOL delegation led by the Commandant Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras and Dean Dr James Corum, wrapped up its first week in the United States with a visit to the Allied Command Transformation Headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia.


The visit began with an excellent engagement with the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (DSACT), General Mieczyslaw Bieniek. DSACT highlighted key focal points for NATO in the near term, which include the Connected Forces Initiative, smart defence, and maintaining the lessons learned from operations in Afghanistan.

The delegation also invested time in an exchange of information briefings. The delegation spoke to the a forum comprised of many of the national representatives, sharing the latest updates on BALTDEFCOL initiatives and vision. ACT representatives reciprocated with a presentation focused on the NATO accreditation process.

In conclusion, the visit to ACT served to reinvigorate the College's ties to NATO and perhaps will serve as a springboard to future collaboration between the two institutions.



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