BALTDEFCOL hosted a Nordic Defence Cooperation meeting

From 06-07 November 2017, the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) was hosting Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO) Professional Military Education (PME) Working Group (WG).

NORDEFCO PME WG was established under the auspices of NORDEFCO and it’s Cooperation Area Human Resources & Education (COPA HR&E), and consequently seeks to enhance the multilateral cooperation with regards to Professional Military Education within the participating countries and their PME institutions, i.e. defence colleges and universities.

NORDEFCO PME WG consists of representatives from BALTDEFCOL, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. This time in PME WG, we had MAJ Teemu Saressalo and Ms Minna Paasio representing Finland, CDR Peter Holgersen and MAJ Claus Rohde from Denmark, Dr Anders Claréus and LTC Claes Bergström from Sweden, Dr Kristine Offerdal from Norway, COL Mark Hollis and COL Albertas Dapkus were representing BALTDEFCOL.

The Steering committee consists of members from each participating nation. Current chairmanship resides in Finland and it is to be rotated every year at the same cycle as the NORDEFCO Chairmanship. Next chairmanship is to be taken by Norway starting 2018.

In Tartu, PME WG discussed issues of 2017 spring and fall semesters, national issues concerning the Masters’ Programs, possibilities of students’ exchange in between respective institutions in spring and fall semesters of 2018.


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