BALTDEFCOL hosts a major International Conference

BALTDEFCOL hosts a major International Conference


On November 8-10 the Baltic Defence College hosted a major international conference of the International Society of Military Sciences. (ISMS)


More than 100 academics, most of them from military staff colleges that are partnered with the Baltic Defence College, came to Tartu to the Dorpat Conference Center where they presented papers and held panel discussions on a wide variety of security policy issues. More than 80 papers were presented by a group of defence academics from all over Europe, North America and the Baltic countries. Faculty members from Tartu University, the University of Latvia and the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian national military academies all participated. It was truly a Baltic and international event.

The Conference keynote speakers were the Lithuanian Air Force Commander Major General Edvartas Mažeikis and Dr. Jaak Aaviksoo, Estonian Minister of Education and Research. The closing summary was made by Professor Žaneta Ozoliņa of the University of Latvia. The conference was able to bring together top defense academics, especially from the Baltic and European regions, to discuss issues of current concern.

The ISMS was founded three years ago as a partnership of eight schools of higher military education. The ISMS schools are: The Danish National Defence College, the Netherlands National Defence Academy, the Swedish National Defence Academy, The Norway National Defence University, the Finnish National Defence University, the Austrian National Defence Academy, the Royal Military College of Canada and the Baltic Defence College. The ISMS is dedicated to supporting research in all aspects of security studies among the faculty and students of the eight schools. The ISMS is organized into working groups that deal with areas such as armed forces and society, military history, war studies, military technology. The ISMS is also a growing organization, with the Polish national Defence University and the Belgian Staff College being voted into the ISMS in the November meeting.

The Baltic Defence College has held the leadership in the ISMS for the last year and the ISMS Conference is one of the largest international events to ever be hosted by the Baltic Defence College. The Baltic Defence College received considerable support from its partner Baltic universities and institutions to host the event.


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