BALTDEFCOL Staff Teaching in Polish Air Force Academy

BALTDEFCOL Staff Teaching in Polish Air Force Academy


Wg Cdr (ret) Geoff Yapp and Col (ret) Zdzislaw Sliwa from the BALTDEFCOL’s Operations Department provided teaching support for the Air Force Academy in Dęblin, Poland between 06 and 11 January 2013.


The education in Poland was related to Air Force role in combined, joint operations and included a sequence of lectures and Syndicate tasks related to historical case studies. The education was coordinated by the Head of the Cathedra of Armament and Tactics Col Dr. Adam WETOSZKA. The cooperation of the Baltic Defense College and the Polish Air Force Academy is based on the cooperation agreement signed between both institutions on 11 October 2011 and it includes exchange of lecturers and teachers.



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