Baltic Defence College 15th Anniversary Basketball 3x3 Tournament Completed

Baltic Defence College 15th Anniversary Basketball 3x3 Tournament Completed

On 17th March 2014, by the friendly game between Kalpaks Syndicate and united team of the Baltic Defence College marks the end of the Basketball 3x3 tournament among the Baltic Defence College teams.

The tournament was organized in February–March to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the Baltic Defence College and 5 teams, representing the Joint Command and General Staff Course and Directing Staff, were participated. Syndicate Kalpaks took 1st place by winning all the games of the tournament.

Major Germanas Kaktavicius from the Lithuanian Armed Forces, said there were no easy matches, all the teams strove to win till to the last point, however, the main aim of this tournament was to increase foster cooperation among different Syndicates and Directing Staff, and create opportunity to spend time together. “It is well-known, that basketball is the second religion in Lithuania, but we were surprised, that officers from others countries were so active in this competitions and performed very strong play,” he emphasized.

Instructors and students of the College actively participate in different sport events. The College organized Frisbee and Volleyball competitions for the Joint Command and General Staff Course, representatives of Directing Staff and student body participated in Tartu City Marathon, Tartu Team Relay of the Tartu Ski Marathon and others competitions.

Text – Major Gediminas Latvys

Photos – Oliver Toots


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