Baltic Defence College donated veloergometers for the rehabilitation of children after cancer treatment

Baltic Defence College donated veloergometers for the rehabilitation of children after cancer treatment

On 28th January representatives of the Baltic Defence College donated two veloergometers for the rehabilitation of children after cancer treatment at Tartu University Hospital to the Estonian Association of Parents of Child Cancer Patients (EVLVL).

Photo by Sigita Matuleviciene

This presenting event was honoured by the EVLVL President Mr. Märt Avandi. The presenting party included Baltgirls, led by Mrs. Irena Vaikšnorienė, JCGSC students, led by LtCdr Mati Terve, Head of Administration Mrs. Kaja Arulepp and PR Adviser Merike Järv.

Mrs. Vaikšnoriene led a presentation with the President of the EVLVL Mr. Märt Avandi and presented the veloergometerson behalf of the Baltic Defence College for the hospital. The EVLVL and Hospital representatives were very pleased to receive such a valuable gift and emphasized how important this equipment is in the children´s rehabilitation stage.

Last year in November, BALTDEFCOL conducted fund-raising for charitable purposes during the International Night event with the initiative and lead of BALTGIRLS. With the help of participants and guests €852 was raised that provided two veloergometers for the rehabilitation of children after cancer treatment.

Baltgirls also helped EVLVL to establish contacts with the NATO Charity Bazaar in order to request funding for a rehabilitation camp for teenagers recovering from cancer. The camp has the goal of supporting the teenagers as they try to make sense of the experience of cancer and as they seek a way back into the community of young people. This project has been funded by the NATO Charity Bazaar.

The Baltic Defence College, a multinational military education institution, continues its tradition of giving charitable gifts to local institutions and organizations.  Last year the fund- raising was made for the Maarja School in Tartu. 


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