Col. (ret.) Dr. Śliwa is the dean at the Baltic Defense College. He holds a Ph.D. in Military Science from the National Defence University in Warsaw. He completed his education in Poland’s military institutions, including the Mechanised Forces Military Academy and the National Defence University. He was also educated abroad, including at the United States Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth and the People’s Liberation Army National Defence University’s Centre of Strategic Studies in Beijing. During his military service, Dr. Śliwa commanded units up to battalion level and served also at the operational level as the Chief of Operational Branch J3 in the KFOR Headquarters in Pristina in Kosovo and also the Chief of Operational Planning Branch J5 in the Polish Armed Forces Operational Command in Warsaw. When working for Polish military educational institutions, he was the Chief of Combat Service Support Chair, Land Forces Military Academy in Wroclaw and also the Head of Military Studies Department at the National Defence University in Warsaw. Since it began in 2009, Dr. Śliwa has been involved in the Latvian National Defence Academy-Baltic Defence College Master’s Degree as a supervisor. |
Areas of Expertise
- Contemporary military operations
- International relations
- Central Asian Security
- Indo-Pacific affairs
Selected Publications
Zdzislaw Sliwa, Col Professor Leszek Elak. 2017. The Suwalki Gap – NATO's fragile hot spot. Published by: The Scientific Quarterly No 2 Vol. 103, The War Studies University, Warsaw, Poland
Zdzislaw Sliwa, Prof. Andrzej Bujak. 2017. Global aspects of security environment — the ‘One Belt, One Road’ project. Published by: Economics and Law Vol 15, No 4 (2016), Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland.
- Zdzislaw Sliwa. 2016. CHINA’S SECURITY CONCEPT OF ANTI-ACCESS /AREA-DENIAL – AA/AD Published in: The Scientific Journal No 2(26), The Polish Air Force Academy, Deblin
- Śliwa, Zdzisław. 2015. Uwarunkowania bezpieczeństwa Chin na początku XXI wieku (The security environment of China at the beginning of the XXI Century), Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Sił Powietrznych (Polish Air Force Academy), Dęblin 2015, 334 s., ISBN 978-83-64636-33-2, monography.
- Śliwa, Zdzisław, Antczak Anna, Zaniewski Rafał, 2015, Wojna XXI Wieku. Początki wojny „trzeciej fali” (The War of the 21st Century. The Beginnings of the War of the ”Third Wave”), published by Vizja Press&IT, 234 p., Warsaw 2015. ISBN 978-83-62855-57-5, monography..
- Śliwa Zdzislaw and Załęski, Krzysztof, 2015. Air Power Role in Asia (status, trends), the Air Force Academy, Dęblin, Poland
- Śliwa, Zdzisław. 2015. Kształtowanie bezpieczeństwa militarnego Azji Centralnej (Development of Central Asia Military Security). Deblin: The Air Force Academy, 2015.
- Śliwa, Zdzisław, 2014. chapter 12: The fields of development of Polish relations with Asian countries (Obszary rozwoju relacji Polski z krajami azjatyckimi); and chapter 15: The Polish Armed Forces contribution to operations outside the country (Udział Sił Zbrojnych RP w operacjach poza granicami kraju); in: Anna Antczak-Barzan (ed.), Projekt „POLSKA” Silne i bezpieczne państwo? (Project „POLAND” - Strong and safe country?), Science –research project, Wyższa Szkoła Finansów i Zarządzania w Warszawie (Finance and Management University in Warsaw), Vizja Press&IT, Warsaw 2014.
- Śliwa, Zdzisław and Górnikiewicz, Marcin. 2013. Security Cooperation between Poland and the Baltic Region. Baltic Security and Defence Review. 2013, 15, 2.
- Śliwa, Zdzisław. 2013. Zapad 2013: The Russian Armed Forces Flexes its Muscles. Fort Levenworth, Kansas: Foreign Military Studies Office, 2013.
- Śliwa, Zdzisław and Gabrielsson, Risto. 2013. Baltic Region Energy Security – The Trouble with European Solidarity. Baltic Security and Defence Review. 2013, 15, 1.
- Śliwa, Zdzisław. 2012. Kierunki rozwoju Szanghajskiej Organizacji Współpracy (Future developments of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation). Warsaw: National Defence University, 2012.
- Śliwa, Zdzisław and Załęski, Krzysztof. 2012. Rola sił powietrznych Chin w regionie (Role of the Chinese Air Force in Asia). Bellona, 2012, 3.
- Śliwa, Zdzisław and Brążkiewicz, Dariusz. 2011. Azja: Konflikty i zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa (Asia: Conflicts and Security Threats). Warsaw: National Defence University, 2011.
- Śliwa, Zdzisław and Brążkiewicz, Dariusz. 2011. Współczesne uwarunkowania bezpieczeństwa Azji (Contemporary Asian Security Considerations). Warsaw: National Defence University, 2011.
Polish, English and Russian