Commandant appreciated Syndicate Guiding Officers 2012/2013

Commandant appreciated Syndicate Guiding Officers 2012/2013


On 18 JUNE BALTDEFCOL Commandant Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras had an opportunity to thank the Syndicate Guiding Officers (SGOs) appointed to guide the officers of Joint Command and General Staff Course (JCGSC) 2012/2013 from AUG 2012 till JUN 2013 for their invaluable work done during the academic year.


The six BALTDEFCOL full-time Syndicate Guiding Officers (SGOs) LTC Monika Mertinaite (LTU A), LTC Artur Lillenurm (EST A), CDR Annes Vainamäe (EST N), LTC Remigius Baltrenas (LTU A), CDR Giedrius Valintelis (LTU N) and LTC James Jenkins (US A) had a meeting with BALTDEFCOL Commandant during which SGOs had an opportunity to reflect their ideas, thoughts as well as concerns on their past year as coaches, mentors, and teachers of officers attending the JCGSC.

The JCGSC 2012/2013 was the first course in BALTDEFCOL´s history for which the positions of SGOs were introduced to the educational system. As the launch proved to be of great success and served its full purpose then new team of SGOs will be ready to coach the officers of next JCGSC officially opened already on 21 AUG.


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BALTDEFCOL´s International Study Tour headed this year to western Europe and Turkey-Azerbaijan


Graduation Ceremony of JCGSC 2012/2013 and CSC 2013

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