Cooperation with the Polish War Studies University

The Commandant of Baltic Defence College MG Andis Dilāns accompanied by Dean Dr Zdzislaw Sliwa and Polish Senior National Representative Col Miroslaw Smolarek conducted an official visit to the Polish War Studies University (WSU) in Warsaw, Poland in 12th October. 

Photo by WSU 

MG Dilāns met with the WSU Commandant Brigadier General Ryszard Parafianowicz to discuss the fields of possible future cooperation. This meeting was followed by a brief about WSU presented by Colonel Dariusz Majchrzak, Vice-Rector for Military Affairs. It was recognized that there are many opportunities to extend such a cooperation including partnership in delivering educational modules for the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) High-Level Courses. Another area of the cooperation was related to sharing experiences in conducting military exercises, faculty development and education exploiting Adult Distance Learning (ADL) courses.



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Nordic-Baltic Conference of Commandants 2017


Official visit to the General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military University of Land Forces

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