Country study competition held

Country study competition held


The Joint Command and General Staff Course briefed the Commandant as the culmination of their study of International Relations, Conflicts, and Geostrategy. The country study competition allowed the students of the Joint Command and General Staff Course to apply the theories of political science that they had learned over the past three weeks and served as valuable practice for future assignments in their careers.

Each syndicate briefed on one area of Mali and recommended what courses of action the Commandant should take if he were the operational commander of a European Union Mission.


The syndicates were evaluated on their presentations and the quality of their information. The winning syndicate was Kalpaks with each member of the syndicate receiving a copy of Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin.

In addition to the winning syndicate the best presenter Captain Ruslan Muradov and the best questioner Major Dmytro Mrachkovskii also received awards.



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