Defence Attaches accredited to Estonia visit BALTDEFCOL

Defence Attaches accredited to Estonia visit BALTDEFCOL


On 7 SEPT the BALTDEFCOL was honored by the visit of the Defence Attaches (DATTs) accredited to Estonia. The visit was part of the annual tour of the DATTs to South-Estonia.


The program in the BALTDEFCOL included presentations by the BALTDEFCOL Commandant BG Gundars Abols, Course Director of Higher Command and Staff Course COL Andrej Boi?išin, and Acting Course Director of Joint Command and General Staff Course LTC (ret) Ronald LaGrone. DATTs had also an opportunity to get familiarized with the BALTDEFCOL facility as well as had meeting with the students of their respective counties currently studying at the BALTDEFCOL courses.


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Baltic Regional Military History Workshop 26 - 27 October 2010


Visit by IHEDN Club

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