Exercise JOINT RESOLVE 2024 (JR24) has been picking up pace after a successful and measured start, with the four Joint Operational Planning Groups diligently working through their understanding of the situation presented in the exercise scenario and delivering important Back Briefs throughout the past week. This early work culminated in the morning of May 14 when the teams delivered the Mission Analysis Brief to their respective Senior Mentors, acting as Joint Force Commanders.
The principal aim of the Mission Analysis Brief (MAB) was to present the Commander with a deep and comprehensive understanding of the operational environment and the challenges associated with the development of a successful plan to deliver an effective Joint Force campaign. In doing so, the key challenge for the JOPG is to provide a briefing that encompasses the wide range of considerations that may need to be taken into account, ranging from those challenges at the political level to the threat, the employment of any Allied Force, to the manner in which any potential operation would be messaged to shape public opinion. At the same time, the MAB seeks to underline the collaborative aspect of any military plan since it needs to embrace all of the key considerations provided by those that support the Joint Commander from the Air, Land and Maritime domain, for example.
The principal aim of the Mission Analysis Brief (MAB) was to present the Commander with a deep and comprehensive understanding of the operational environment and the challenges associated with the development of a successful plan to deliver an effective Joint Force campaign. In doing so, the key challenge for the JOPG is to provide a briefing that encompasses the wide range of considerations that may need to be taken into account, ranging from those challenges at the political level to the threat, the employment of any Allied Force, to the manner in which any potential operation would be messaged to shape public opinion. At the same time, the MAB seeks to underline the collaborative aspect of any military plan since it needs to embrace all of the key considerations provided by those that support the Joint Commander from the Air, Land and Maritime domain, for example.
Throughout the last ten days, the students of the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) have been working in close cooperation with their colleagues from the Polish War Studies University (WSU), The Finnish National Defence University (FNDU), the Hungarian University of Public Services and the National Defence University of Ukraine, in four mixed teams with students sharing the leadership and briefing roles accordingly.
In addition, the BALTDEFCOL has also hosted three German Fuhrungsakademie students as part of a bilateral exchange programme during JR24. Behind the scenes, an equally mixed group of JOPG Facilitators and Subject Matter Experts, supervised by the Exercise Control (EXCON) group have been providing assistance to the exercise in order to provide as realistic a setting as possible.
The ultimate aim of the MAB is to provide the Joint Commander with the tools necessary to assist with further planning, including the Courses of Action (COAs) that may need to be considered. Over the coming days, the respective JOPGs will work through the further development of these Courses of Action, which will include a wargaming session towards the end of the week.