Fourth Annual Cyber Security Conference: Integrating Cyber Domain Into Professional Military Education, 26-27 October 2016
The Baltic Defence College hosted the Fourth Annual Cyber Security Conference in Riga, Latvia on 26th-27th October 2016. The Conference focused on integrating the cyber domain into professional military education.
The aim of the Conference was to explore educational strategies and methodologies in the cyber area and incorporate different domains. Multidisciplinary approach was proposed, linking the knowledge of development and employment of capabilities that are necessary to operate in cyberspace with their integration and coordination in other operational domains.
The Conference consisted of two panel sessions that addressed different aspects of cyber education and a workshop which was devoted to the exchange of the ideas and experiences of integrating cyber domain into curricula by identifying challenges and best practice standards.
The guest speakers represented various institutions including NATO HQ, EDA, NATO CCD COE, Army Europe, ICDS, NATO StratCom COE, and the Royal Netherlands Army. The Baltic Defence College would like to extend most sincere gratitude and appreciation to all participants of the Fourth Annual Cyber Security Conference on Integrating Cyber Domain Into Professional Military Education.