Today, on 1st December, the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) held a Graduation Ceremony of Command Senior Enlisted Leaders’ Course (CSELC) 2020. It was the second edition after a successful pilot course in autumn 2019.
This year, CSELC brought together fifteen course participants from 11 nations coming from the Baltic Sea region and the cross-Atlantic partners from Canada and the US.
Photo by WO1 Stephen Nicholson Graduation
Graduation Ceremony was preceded by the virtual lecture of the Estonian Minister of Defence, Mr Jüri Luik covering current security developments. After a fruitful discussion, he congratulated the students on the successful completion of the course.
The Commandant, Brigadier General Ilmar Tamm opened a Ceremony with his Opening Remarks by thanking the Course Director and course team for outstanding management, responsiveness and leadership of the Course. He marked the achievement of another milestone on the life-path of professional development and named the course participants the qualified College ambassadors. “Keep established contacts alive and promote the opportunity within your networks”, he added.
H.E. Jüri Luik, Estonian Minister of Defence Brigadier General Ilmar Tamm, the Commandant
After the CDT’s speech, the Course Senior Mentor, Chief Petty Officer First Class Gerald Price from the Royal Canadian Navy thanked for the opportunity to be part of the course development team as well as Senior Mentor for the first two iterations.
Course Director of the CSELC SGM Peeter Einbaum thanked separately both Senior Mentors CPO1 Gerald Price (CAN) and SGM (ret) Meelis Koger (EST) for the great job done throughout the development of the Course concept and during the delivery of the Pilot CSELC 2019 and CSELC 2020 and handed over appreciation gifts on behalf of the College. In addition, he wished the calm seas to CPO Price on the occasion of his retirement, which is to take place in summer 2021.
During the Ceremony, the recognition of being a Class Leader was presented to Warrant Officer 1 Stephen Nicholson (GBR) for performing the tasks with outstanding service.
Baltic Defence College family wishes good luck to all students of the Command Enlisted Senior Leaders’ Course in their future endeavours! Stay in touch with each other and with the College!
Read more:
Opening Ceremony of the Command Senior Enlisted Leaders’ Course
Half done, half ahead - Command Senior Enlisted Leaders’ Course 2020
CSELC 2020 is back in business