On 15th June 2017 the Baltic Defence College celebrated the end of Academic Year 2016/2017 with a Graduation Ceremony in the Estonian National Museum.
Ceremonial event was honoured by the attendance of Mr Raimonds Bergmanis, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, Mr Raimundas Karoblis, Minister of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania and General Riho Terras, Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces as well as Ambassadors, Defence Attachés, heads of partner Professional Military Education institutions and other high-level officials.
The graduation ceremony was inaugurated by the speech of Major General Andis Dilans, the BALTDEFCOL Commandant, who recognized combined effort of the College faculty and students to achieve desired quality of education. He showed appreciation for all the family members for their support enabling officers and civil servants to complete studies.
The distinguished guests in their addresses to graduates highlighted the importance of education as an important constituent of professional and personal development of future leaders. The political and military leaders congratulated for successfully completing the challenging period of education at operational and strategic levels.
This year, 16 students of Higher Command Studies Course (HCSC) and 57 students of Joint Command and General Staff Course (JCGSC), altogether 73 students from Baltic States and our allies and partner nations, received the diplomas.
During the ceremony individual students were also recognised for their outstanding overall academic performance: Col Klaus Jeske (HCSC) was awarded with the award ’The Best Student’ and LTC Petras Zaptorius (HCSC) with the ‘The Best Academic Writing Award’. From JCGSC, the ‘Joint Operations Award’ went to LTC Stefan Zinke, ‘The Argumentative Essay Award’ to MAJ Evija Šulte and ‘The Class Leader Recognition’ to MAJ Vasilijs Gračovs. In addition, students recognised LTC Gintaras Koryzna as a best lecturer and MAJ Michael Middents (JCGSC) as a ‘the Best Coursemate’.
College wishes a happy summer break to all the students and faculty, and good luck to all of our students in their future engagements! Proud to have you as our Graduates.
New Academic Year 2017/2018 will start with Opening Ceremony on 14th August 2017.