Half done, half ahead - Command Senior Enlisted Leaders’ Course 2020

On 21st September, the second edition of the Command Senior Enlisted Leaders’ Course (CSELC) kicked off. CSELC is designed for filling the educational gap the Nations have, and to prepare Command Senior Enlisted Leaders (CSELs) for the service in the National and Multinational environment on the strategic level.

The Pilot Course, launched in 2019, had a significant value to the Non-commission Officers continuous education. The course, which was created as the joint effort by the Baltic Sea Nations, NATO Allied Command Operations (ACO), Allied Command Transformation (ACT), Canada and US European Command (EUCOM), had a huge and unquestionable success. The CSELC 2020 brought together fifteen participants from 11 nations, coming from the Baltic Sea region and the cross-Atlantic partners from Canada and the USA.

As the course is halfway through, it is an excellent opportunity to look back and evaluate the course education delivered so far. Two modules – “Strategic Leadership” and “National Security Challenges” – are completed, and module 3 “International Security Challenges” is ahead. To assess the content, the delivery and the quality the Course Director has asked course participants to share their thoughts regarding the course.

The common feeling of the course participants is that the course meets the expectations. Participants feel that the diversity of the students, subjects and guest speakers incite them to think from a different perspective, which would be one of the important aims in such a multinational course.

The importance of a purposeful selection of high-level speakers, both with the military and academic background, was highly appreciated. Also, it was stressed that the opportunity to meet the very experienced CSELs working at the highest levels within the Alliance (ACO and Allied Joint Force Command Naples) was highly appreciated mostly because of their passion and understanding for their subjects.

From the subject matter experts, all the participants had recognized our own faculty member, Dr Lukáš Dyčka, for engaging all the students into interesting thought-provoking discussions during National Power lectures.

Half of the course is still ahead. It is foreseen that about 30 guest speakers will discuss the different aspects of international security and its challenges. Till the beginning of the second block of the course, the Baltic Defence College wishes best of luck on developing the course papers. We are looking forward to meeting the CSELC 2020, safe and sound in Tartu soon.


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Virtual Baltic Defence Study Trip 2020


Working visit by Mr Dirk Dubois, Head of the European Security Defence College

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