Hall of Fame for CSELs is established to provide a prestigious and visible means of recognition to Graduates of BALTDEFCOL, who have attained through military merit, the highest NCO position in their Nation's armed forces in capacities of (acting) National CSEL or who have held the equivalent position within NATO Command Structure (NCS) and/or NATO Force Structure (NFS) while supporting three (3) and/or four (4) star General Officer/Flag Officer in capacities of the CSEL of a respective organization.
Command Sergeant Major Daniel Legrand (FRA-A), CSEL of the Eurocorps Strasbourg, is the third CSEL inductee of the BALTDEFCOL Hall of Fame. He graduated from the second edition of the Command Senior Enlisted Leaders’ Course in 2020. CSM Legrand was appointed as EUROCORPS’ Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) on 5 September 2019.
The official ceremony was opened by the BALTDEFCOL Commandant Brigadier General Ilmar Tamm (EST A), who highlighted the importance of recognizing the most exemplary BALTDEFCOL graduates in the Hall of Fame. He also pointed out CSM Legrand’s more than 20 years of military background and stated that he had become a prominent leader among CSELs. The Commandant congratulated CSM Legrand and handed over the Hall of Fame certificate and the honourable coin.Chief Warrant Officer Yannick Codbout (CAN A), the Senior Mentor to the CSELC 2022 and the CSEL of the Multinational Corps South-East, introduced Daniel Legrand, presenting his achievements during military service, accenting his senior positions.
Command Sergeant Major Daniel Legrand expressed his sincerest gratitude toward the College during his speech. He emphasized the quality of the lectures and the opportunity this course provided. CSM Legrand stressed the value of the course as a contribution to academic and professional development, highlighted good connections made and expressed gratitude to CSM Peeter Einbaum (EST A), the Course Director of the CSELC, for creating this community for CSELs.
The CSELC was launched in 2019 to fill the educational gap the nations have and to prepare Command Senior Enlisted Leaders for the service in a National and Multinational environment at a strategic level. Since 2022, CSELC has become the official course in BALTDEFCOL academic portfolio.