JCGSC 2010/2011 on the International Study Tour in Madrid and Lisbon
Students of the The Joint Command and General Staff Course 2010/2011 participated in the International Study Tour (IST) from 02 to 06 May 2011. The BALTDEFCOL delegation was lead by the Commandant BG Meelis Kiili. The aim of the IST was to understand the role of the staffs in a joint environment, the command and control structure of the joint forces and the coordination between the joint and the strategic/political level of war.
During the first day of the IST, the JCGSC visited HQ Force Command Madrid and were welcomed by Lieutenant General Alfredo Cardona, Commander Force Command Madrid. The officers received many important topics including NATO Response Force (NRF), Operational, Liaison, and Reconnaissance Team (OLRT), and NATO Planning System (COPD). In addition, they received information on HQ composition, and status and type of missions. Also, a static display regarding the OLRT capabilities was settled.
On 4th of May, 2011 the course visited Joint Force Command Lisbon. The aim of this visit was to let BALTDEFCOL students see the working environment of a Joint Headquarters. BALTDEFCOL staff was presented a general overview of Operation Ocean Shield (OOS) and NATO efforts to advise and assist the African Union (AU) Mission in Sudan and in Somalia.
On 5th of May, 2011 the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre also located in Lisbon was visited. Visitors were welcomed by the JALLC Commander, Brigadier General Sonneby. The students were presented information about recent reports and ongoing projects on Operations, Exercises and Training Areas, briefed on the Lessons Learned Database, Lessons Learned Process, Interoperability Study and Comprehensive Approach.
The tour was very beneficial for the students to help them to understand the role and responsibilities of NATO Command and Control structure and it was very significant part of their development. Moreover, it was the last event of the teaching by the Operations Department.