JCGSC oral exam completed

On 2nd - 4th December, the students of the Joint Command and General Staff took the Oral Exam. Currently, due to the threat posed by COVID-19, all students have been on distance learning mode since 23rd  November. Therefore, the Oral Exam was conducted as a remote examination session conducted via MS Teams platform in virtual classrooms.

The assessment boards led examination based on the application of the automatic generation of individual questions for each student. The online sessions turned out to be a valuable experience not only for the students of the Joint Command and General Staff but also for the faculty. This approach to the exam was appreciated as stated by MAJ Anna Świetlik (POL) as “perfect organization and clearly defined rules of the exam resulted in efficient and reliable conduct of the exam.”   

Before the New Year holidays, the students’ last effort is Module 4 “Defence Planning and Management”. It will concentrate on EU/NATO defence planning concepts, managerial tools, and instruments.   


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