JCGSC’s Field Study Trip 2015

JCGSC’s Field Study Trip 2015

On the 27th September the international Students of the Joint Command and General Staff Course (JCGSC) together with several members of Baltic Defence Colleges’ Directing Staff left Tartu for the annual Field Study Trip (FST). On the basis of the first successful joint operation codename ‘Albion’ conducted during World War I, the purpose of this trip was to understand the requirements of Joint Operational Planning by visiting the original battle sites and reviewing the historical events from the German and Russian side. Therefore, on the first 3 days the trip the group travelled to and around the island of Saaremaa, where the operation was conducted in October 1917. With additional presentations by the National Defence League, Saaremaa in all offered a good opportunity for everyone to expand their knowledge on the evolution of Joint Operations for future planning and execution.

Starting from Wednesday, the second part of the trip focussed on air and maritime aspects of Joint Operational Planning. The delegation was welcomed by the Chief of Estonian Air Force, Colonel Jaak Tarien, at Ämari Air Base. Through interesting presentations and static displays of the German Air Policing Contingent and the U.S. A-10 squadron, the students could get a good impression of how Airbases are run and how air missions are being conducted today. Consequently, on Thursday the group visited the remarking Muuga harbour and the Naval Base in Tallinn, where through displays and a presentation with a subsequent discussion by the Chief of Estonian Navy, Captain Sten Sepper, students could expand their knowledge on maritime aspects of future planning. With the arrival back in Tartu on the early evening of Thursday, the FST 2015 was concluded. Bearing in mind the diversity in the international JCGSC, the trip aimed at achieving the knowledge requirements at Joint Operational Level.


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Hannes Möllits


Baltic Coordination Group meeting held in Baltic Defence College

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