Lecture by the Ambassador of Russian Federation to Estonia

Lecture by the Ambassador of Russian Federation to Estonia


On October 3rd the Higher Command Studies Course (HCSC) and the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) staff had the please to listen to a lecture by the Ambassador of Russian Federation to Estonia, H. E. Mr. Juri Nikolayevich Merzlyakov. The lecture on the topic Strategy formulation and strategy in Russian Federation was of great interest and benefit to the HCSC students. Many members of the Directing Staff also attended the lecture.


The distinguished guest, accompanied by the Russian Defence Attaché, Col Jevgeniy Bulavintsev, also had lunch with the Commandant of BALTDEFCOL and the Course Director of HCSC to discuss issues of common interest.


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Visit by Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP, the Secretary of State for Defence of the United Kingdom


Sr Col Chen Wei and Gen Ants Laaneots delivered lectures to the HCSC

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