Dr. Jaak Aaviksoo, Estonian Defence Minister, delivered a lecture on cyber terrorism on September 7th. Lecture was addressed to the BALTDEFCOL Higher Command Studies Course, Joint Command and General Staff Course, the staff of College and outside visitors from Tartu University and Estonian Defence College. Dr. Aaviksoo talked about the emerging threat of cyber terrorism and addressed the philosophical and practical aspects of dealing with it. The lecture covered comprehensively recent events that occurred in Estonia in late April and in the beginning of May, when the country experienced sustained cyber attacks aimed at disrupting public services and businesses. Dr Aaviksoo discussed the political context of these attacks, methods that had been used to stage them and difficulties inherent to identifying and persecuting those responsible for cyber terrorism. Possible responses to this growing threat by governments and international community have also been highlighted during the lecture. The presentation culminated with an active round of questions and answers where the audience used the opportunity to engage the distinguished speaker in an open and critical discussion.