Lectures by former Director General of NATO IMS

Lectures by former Director General of NATO IMS


On 4 September the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) had the pleasure to welcome the former Director General of NATO’s International Military Staff, LTG (Ret) Jürgen Bornemann.


LTG (Ret) Bornemann had during his visit to the College a meeting with the BALTDEFCOL Commandant MG Vitalijus Vaikšnoras and Deputy Commandant/Chief of Staff COL Ingemar Gustafsson during which the high level guest was briefed on the BALTDEFCOL, its courses and future challenges.

The meeting was followed by a series of lectures on “NATO 2020 – Milestones post Chicago” addressed to the students of the Joint Command and General Staff Course 2013/14 and to the Higher Command Studies Course 2013.

General Bornemann, having just retired as the Director General of NATO’s International Military Staff, was able to provide our students with an insider’s view of the challenges NATO is currently facing and the trends that will shape NATO in the post-Chicago world. His presentation provided a practitioner’s view of the complex geopolitical world that is Brussels.

His lectures culminated with active rounds of questions and answers where the audience used the opportunity to engage the distinguished speaker in an open discussion.

LTG J. Bornemann also kept alive the Baltic Defence College’s Roundtable Seminar series, moving it on from last year’s focus on the ‘Wider Baltic’ region, to include the issue of ‘Germany and the Atlantic Alliance’.

The seminar encouraged vigorous discussion on Germany’s perception of its commitment to the alliance; the American (and British-French) pivots to the Indo-Pacific; the future of the New Strategic Concept; Russia’s resurgence; the Atlantic Alliance’s relations with the European Union; and Germany’s commitment to the Wider Baltic region. 

The seminar was well-attended, with over thirty participants, including the Commandant and other members of faculty , as well as students from the Higher Command Studies Course and the Joint Command and General Staff Course.


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Opening of Joint Command and General Staff Course 2013-2014


Roundtable Seminar: 'Germany and the Atlantic Alliance'

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