Military Committee Meeting

Military Committee Meeting

On 6th of November the Commandant of the Baltic Defence College Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras participated in Baltic Military Committee meeting held in Ādaži, Latvia.

The Commandant was invited to address the participants on the current and future issues of the College. During his presentation Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras gave a short overview of the activities performed by the College, presented some update on courses, further developments and reflections on external audit results.  He emphasized that one of his main aims is to preserve what has been achieved and further to develop College as a modern, future oriented, attractive and competitive professional military educational institution.

The Baltic Military Committee regularly meets twice a year and it consists of the Commanders of the Defence Forces of the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian armed forces. The Committee prepares recommendations on the policies and further developments of the joint defence projects for decision and approval to the Baltic Ministerial Committee.


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