Mrs. Triinu Soomere

Manager of Academic and Outreach Activities


Triinu Soomere is Manager of Academic and Outreach Activities at the Dean's Office at the Baltic Defence College. She started her studies at the University of Tartu, specialising in the English language and literature. She holds an Applied Master’s degree in Conference Interpreting, an M.A. (cum laude) in Educational Leadership, and a teaching certificate from the University of Tartu. Her background in critical thinking is related to Sonoma University, USA and the Critical Thinking Foundation. She is currently a doctoral student at the University of Tartu Institute of Education.

Prior to working at the Baltic Defence College, she was employed by the Estonian Military Academy as a lecturer in English and the head of the Language Centre of the Estonian Defence Forces. During her time in Estonian Military Academy, she created writing e-courses for the personnel of the Estonian Defence Forces and the Defence League, was a curriculum developer in her respective field and a mentor to new lecturers. She worked also as the chief specialist in Foundation Innove, division of testing. She was responsible for the compilation of the national examination in English taken by more than 7,000 students in 2016. In the Baltic Defence College, JCGSC voted her faculty member of the year in 2018.

Areas of Expertise

  • Academic writing
  • Public speaking
  • Critical thinking
  • E-learning
  • Educational science


  • English
  • Russian (beginner)
  • German (beginner)

Selected Publications

Värno, P., Soomere, T., and Lepp, L. (2019). Kaitseväe Ühendatud Õppeasutuste taktikaõppejõudude arusaamad nüüdisaegse õpikäsituse olemusest ja rakendamisest taktikaõppes. (Estonian National Defence College tactics teachers’ perceptions of the contemporary approach to teaching and learning, and its applicability in teaching tactics). Sõjateadlane 10, Estonian Journal of Military Studies. ‘Õppija arengu toetamine. Supporting Learners’ Development.’

Soomere, T. Lepp, L., Groccia, J. & Mansour, E.A.I. (2018). Characteristics and behaviours of excellent teaching: perceptions of military educators. IATED Publications.

Soomere, T, Lepp, L., Leijen, Ä, Remmik, M. (2017). Kaitseväe Ühendatud Õppeasutuste põhikursuste kadettide kogemused, uskumused ja ettepanekud nutivahenditega õppeks (Use of Smart Devices for Learning: Experience, Perceptions and Proposals of the Basic Course cadets of the Estonian National Defence College) Sõjateadlane, 4, pp 145-169.

Ganina,S., Otsus, T., Parv, A., Rand, N., Soomere, T. (2014). Mentorlus Kaitseväe Ühendatud Õppeasutustes kui kooli arengu toetamise võimalus (The War and Peace of Mentoring in the Estonian National Defence College). ENDC Proceedings 17, pp 234-247.

Lind, W. S. (2014). Manööversõjapidamise käsiraamat (Maneuver Warfare Handbook). Translators: Annika Timpka, Epp Leete, Triinu Soomere.


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