Baltic Ministerial Committee Meeting
On 12th of December the Commandant of the Baltic Defence College Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras participated in Baltic Ministerial Committee (MC) meeting held in Cēsis, Latvia.
During his presentation the Commandant gave an in-depth overview of the main activities performed by the College during the year 2014 as well as further developments and up-coming activities on 2015. Once again he emphasized the importance of preserving what has been achieved so far and further development of College as a modern, future oriented, attractive and competitive professional military educational institution.
It was once again recited by the Baltic MC that the BALTDEFCOL is an irreproachable example of international military cooperation. The highly positive feedback on the College’s international and academic activities was noted. MC also underscored the need to ensure that the curricula of BALTDEFCOL courses as well as all other activities address both national and regional security issues of the three Baltic states.