Visit of the Director General of the European Union Military Staff

Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) was honoured by the visit of the Director General of the European Union Military Staff (EUMS) LtGen Wolfgang Wosolsobe on 26th February 2015. 

Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras welcomed the EUMS delegation, among them the Director General EUMS LtGen Wolfgang Wosolsobe, Officer of the CIS Directorate of EUMS WgCdr Rob Smeaton and Member of the Estonian delegation to EUMS LTC Peeter Koiv.

Colonel Axel Pfaffenroth, Chief of Staff of BALTDEFCOL familiarized the visitors with the College’s mission and tasks, education, research and development. He expressed faith about fostering current and future cooperation between BALTDEFCOL and the EU. Joint Command and General Staff Course and Civil Servants Course (JCGSC/CSC) Director Colonel Remigijus Baltrenas gave the guest a general overview of the JCGSC/CSC courses and activities. 

The programme at the College continued with LtGen Wolfgang Wosolsobe’ s lecture tothe students of the Joint Command and General Staff Course and Civil Servants Courseabout the EU’s external actions: the role of the EUMS in EU/CSDP crisis management structures; military operations and missions; and the European Council on Defence (from EC13 to EC15).


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