Nordic-Baltic Conference of Commandants 2014
On 7/8 of October the Commandant of the Baltic Defence College Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras, Chief of Staff Colonel Axel Pfaffenroth, Dean Dr. Augustine Meaher and Commandant’s MA Major Vilius Zagurskis attended the Nordic-Baltic Conference of Commandants in Helsinki, Finland.
Photo by FNDU
Besides Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) delegation the Conference was attended by highest representatives of Royal Danish Defence College (RDDC), Finnish National Defence University (FNDU), Norwegian Defence University College (NDCU) and Swedish National Defence College (SNDC).
The Commandants of the Nordic-Baltic region exchanged information about their respective institutions and discussed current relevant issues. BALTDEFCOL representatives presented several proposals for closer co-operation in the Nordic-Baltic region. It was proposed that co-operation should be intensified in terms of identifying concrete projects and areas of common interest leading to tight students and faculty exchange, harmonization of our education systems and participation in joint conferences, seminars, roundtables. In addition it was proposed to have annual Conference of Deans.
As a consequence, additional working meeting with representatives of all Colleges and Universities will be held in BALTDEFCOL in November 2014 during International Conference on Russian ‘Power Projection’ in the Twenty-first Century.
The Nordic-Baltic Conference of Commandants is an annual conference hosted on rotational basis by BALTDEFCOL, RDDC, FNDU, NDCU and SNDC. This year’s conference was hosted and chaired by the FNDU. It was agreed that the Nordic/Baltic Conference of Commandants 2015 will be hosted by the SNDC in autumn 2015.