Opening Ceremony for the Joint Command and General Staff Course 2014-2015

Opening Ceremony for the Joint Command and General Staff Course 2014-2015

On Monday 11th August 2014 the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) held an opening ceremony of the Joint Command and General Staff Course (JCGSC) with 55 officers from 15 countries.

All BALTDEFCOL Directing-, Support Staff and students gathered at the Bjorn von Sydow Hall to attend the Opening of the Joint Command and General Staff Course Ceremony.

Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras, Commandant of BALTDEFCOL, officiated the Ceremony and welcomed everyone on the first day of academic year in Tartu. During his speech Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras emphasised the need for professional education, and that cooperation between military leaders is essential. He specified that the Baltic Defence College is a place where future military and civilian leaders from the three Baltic States, Allies and Partner Nations are being prepared to meet and deal with future challenges.

The Course, which will run for eleven months, covers issues on defence and security. The Course aim is to provide professional military education on the operational level to prepare commanders and general staff Officers for joint, service, interagency and multinational environments to confront security challenges from Baltic and Euro-Atlantic perspectives.


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