Opening of Higher Command Studies Course (HCSC) 2013

Opening of Higher Command Studies Course (HCSC) 2013


The Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) started new academic year on 12 August with the assembling of the Higher Command Studies Course (HCSC) 2013 in the Admiral Cowan Hall.


The Commandant of the College Major General Vitalijus Vaikšnoras welcomed the students. In his speech he emphasised the uniqueness of BALTDEFCOL with its high quality courses, distinguished and experienced faculty and English as a teaching language. He stressed that the HCSC is the exceptional opportunity for future military and civil leaders to study, develop and prepare for future challenges.

The HCSC is a unique course within NATO as it is the only example of several nations deciding to educate their senior officers and defence officials on a national bases and instead pooling their resources to provide common education for their officials at this level of professional development.

The HCSC is preparing military and defence officials to be ready to initiate, lead and implement change in the defence institutions of their own states, NATO and the EU in the context of current and future military operations.
This year the HCSC welcomed 15 students from 9 different nations. Students attending the course represent Austria (1), Estonia (2), Georgia (2), Latvia (2), Lithuania (4), Moldova (1), Poland (1), Slovakia (1) and Ukraine (1).


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Graduation Ceremony of JCGSC 2012/2013 and CSC 2013


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