Operational Level Planning Tutorial

Operational Level Planning Tutorial


Wargaming is one of the most demanding activities during the operational planning process. The purpose of the wargaming is to evaluate the potential of a Course of Action to accomplish the mission against foreseen opposition. Wargaming, as a part of the Operational Planning Tutorial at the Baltic Defence College is taught by LtCol James Jenkins (USA-A). For most of the Joint Command and General Staff Course and Civil Servant Course students this was their first experience with operational level wargaming.

From the left Maj.M.Verret (CAN-A), Maj.A.Daugulis (LAT-A), Mr.J.Vija, Maj.M.Kaldavs and Maj.S.Petravicius (LIT-A)


The Operational Planning Tutorial lasted for four weeks from 21st of January until 15th of February. Besides wargaming the tutorial included other topics, including analysis of the operational environment, operational design, course of action development, operational assessment and introduction to the Operational Planning Tool (TOPFAS). According to the project officer LtCol U.Romanovs (LAT-A) students achieved most of the learning standards. Some topics will require additional teaching and will be addressed during upcoming exercise Collaborative Effort in March. Students considered the module as interesting and challenging. Here are some comments from the survey. Maj.R.Jaunslavietis (LAT-A): ‘It was pretty interesting period, but also quite challenging because students have to absorb a lot of information’. Maj. I.Lauer (USA-A): ‘I appreciated the attempts to use new teaching methodologies to convey the large volume of information’.


Syndicate Guiding Officer LtCol R.Baltrenas (LIT-A) is providing additional guidelines

As in previous years, BALTDEFCOL hosted a number of external specialists to support the tutorial. The involvement of external specialists is a key component of BALTDEFCOL teaching. Visiting experts share their valuable personal experiences in the operational planning process, observe and participate in students’ decision making process. For example, operational assessment was taught by an instructor from the Swedish National Defence College, LtCdr. Stefan Lundqvist.


From the left: LtCdr. Stefan Lundqvist, Maj.D.Pasvenskas (LIT-A), Maj.M.DiNenna (USA-A), LtCol N.Hasic (BIH-A), Maj.S.Gaugers (LAT-A)

The Baltic Defence College had the pleasure to welcome its former graduate and Class Leader Maj.E.Allers (LAT-A) and former BALTDEFCOL Directing Staff Member LtCol G.Kerlins.
The two final days of the tutorial was dedicated to an introduction to the Operational Planning Tool (OPT). OPT is NATO software developed and introduced in NATO to support collaborative and parallel planning. Although two days is very short time period, the very professional and positive attitude of instructor Jacques de Vasselot (Senior Analysis of International Solutions Group Limited) was excellent in demonstrating the possibilities and limitations of the tool. Two days of the OPT teaching was attended by BALTDEFCOL partners from Multinational Corps Northeast: COL Kai-Uwe Stumpf (DEU A), MAJ Dragos Stefanoiu (ROM AF), MAJ Marc Di Michele (DEU A). During the visit BALTDEFCOL organised the sixth working level meeting on MNC NE and BALTDEFCOL future cooperation.


COL Kai-Uwe Stumpf (DEU A) ACOS G3 and the Commandant of the Baltic Defence College MG Vitalijus Vaikšnoras (LIT-A)


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