On 29th-30th September, the Baltic Defence College leadership, academics and students of the Civil Servants Course participated in the annual Rīga Conference 2017 (https://www.rigaconference.lv/), which has been the recognized forum for constructive dialogue on international and regional security issues for a few years.
The Riga Conference has become a unique venue for constructive dialogue on international security issues between leading global and regional decision makers. Co-organized by the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia it is aimed to facilitate debates with the participation with high-level politicians, diplomats, experts and media.
Pictures by Valdis Kaulins, The Rīga Conference 2017
The Riga Conference proved to be an opportunity for students to think and work in a global context facing the issues that affect our regional security and modern societies in many aspects. The conference included discussion panels on following topics: globalization, the military in defence of democratic values, Russia’s economy, political and economic consequences of populism in Europe, and future of Baltic- Nordic cooperation. These discussions were very inspirational and insightful for the students who are currently in the process of writing their argumentative essays, including topics discussed during the conference. This is one of reasons why the conference is an integral part of the CSC students’ curriculum.
In addition, the Riga Conference provided the BALTDEFCOL staff and CSC students with an excellent networking opportunity, as well as familiarization with one of the Baltic states’ capitals.