On the 3rd of February exercise Collaborative Effort I concluded. According to the students’ feedback this exercise was a great opportunity to practice decision making, leadership skills and the theoretical knowledge acquired during the course. At the same time there were number of concerns and proposals raised to improve the quality of future exercises.


From March 19th to April 5th the Baltic Defence College will conduct Exercise Collaborative Effort II. During the exercise, students of the JCGSC 2011/12 and CSC 2012 will be divided into Joint Operational Planning Groups (JOPG) and tasked to develop a Concept of Operations based on a Crisis Response/ Peace Support Operation scenario.

As in previous years BALTDEFCOL will host a number of external specialists to support the exercise. The involvement of external specialists is a key component of BALTDEFCOL teaching. It increases the level of the teaching quality and greatly supports the Directing Staff of the Baltic Defence College. Visiting experts share their valuable personal experiences in the operational planning process, observe and participate in students’ decision making process, and assess and evaluate the exercise.

One of the most challenging stages of the operational planning process is wargaming.

The Exercise was supported by Lieutenant-Colonel Rob Coulthard (Canada Force College) and the member of Intelligence Fusion Centre Maj. Edgars Allers. Major Allers is a graduate of BALTDEFCOL.

The participation of Colonel Igors Rajevs in the role of Commander of Joint Force Command was highly appreciated by the students. 

The Commandant of the Baltic Defence College BrigGen Meelis Kiili attended the Decision Briefing.

He complimented the students on performance during the planning process and the quality of the products presented.


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Baltic Defence College Academic Advisory Board meeting


BALTDEFCOL at the Estonian Independence Day Parade

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