Professor Zaneta Ozolina
Director, Advanced Institute of Social and Political Research, University of Latvia
Visiting Professor / Baltic Security
University of Latvia (Faculty of History and Philosophy), 1980
Candidate of Sciences (PhD in Western countries), University of Kiev, Faculty of Philosophy, 1988
Dr. paed., University of Latvia, 1993.
Work experience:
Lecturer, University of Latvia, 1980 – 1987
Senior Lecturer, University of Latvia, 1987 – 1989
Research Fellow, Latvian Institute of International Relations, 1992 – 1998
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Latvia, 1989 -2002
Research Fellow, Copenhagen Peace Research Institute, 1998 March -1998 September
Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Turku, 1998
Press and information officer, European Commission Delegation in Latvia, 1999-2002
Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Latvia, 2002 -
Head of the Department of Political Science, University of Latvia, 2004 -
Director, Advanced Institute of Social and Political Research, University of Latvia, 2004 -
Professional activities and memberships:
Strategic Analysis Commission under the Auspices of the President of Latvia, Chair, 2004 –
European Movement in Latvia, Founder and member, 1997 –
Latvian Political Science Association, Founder and President, 2003 –
Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies, Founder and Board member, 1994 -
International Studies Association, member, 1999 -
Northern Research Forum, Steering Committee member, 2000 –
Council of Promotion and Nostrification in Social Sciences, member, 2001 –
Council of Professors in Demography, Communication, Sociology and Political Science, member, 2003 –
Center for European and Transition Studies, University of Latvia, Board member, 2001-
Latvian Association of the European Studies, Founder and Board member, 2000 -
Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Board member, 1999 -
Public Consultative Council for EU referendum preparations, co-chair, 2003.
Recent/representative publications:
Arejo un iekšejo draudu attiecibu izmainu ietekme uz individa drošibu musdienu pasaule. (The impact of internal and external threats on human security). In LU Raksti Politika un Sociologija. Nr 663. Riga: Zinatne, 2004, pp. 90 – 104. (on Latvian)
with V.Kalnins and U.Sics. The State and Human Security. Human Development Report. Riga: UNDP, 2003/2004, pp. 97 – 116.
Latvia and the Baltic States. In NATO and EU Enlargement (eds. A. Lieven, D. Trenin). Washington: Carnegie Centre, 2003, pp. 205 – 230.
La politique de securite de la Lettonie avant le sommet de Prague. Transitions&Societes, No.2, juin, 2002. (In French), pp. 132 – 145.
The Northern Dimension - New Opportunities for the Baltic States, in North Meets North. Proceedings of the First Northern Research Forum. Akureyri: Stefanson Arctic Institute&University of Akureyri, 2001. pp. 122 – 125.
On the Road to Independence. In Ten Years After the Baltic Republics Re-entered the International Stage.(ed A. Klocker). Bonn: ZEI, 2001, pp. 19 – 30.
Crisis Prevention or Crisis Invention - Latvia's Response to Proposed Russia's Security Guarantees. In Crisis Management in the Baltic Sea Region. Latvia. (eds. E. Stern, B. Sundelius). Stockholm: Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 2001, pp.188 – 215.
Latvijas drošibas politikas regionalie aspekti. Riga: Izglitiba, 2000. (Regional Aspects of Latvian Security Policy). (In Latvian). – 254.
The Regional Dimension in Latvian Security Policy. Groningen : Centre for European Security Studies, 1999, pp. 73.
The Impact of the EU Enlargement on Baltic Cooperation. In The Baltic states in an Enlarging European Union : Towards a Partnership between Small Statesa ? (eds. K. Malfliet, W. Keygnaert) Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1999, pp. 113 – 130.
The Impact of EU and NATO Enlargements on Baltic-Nordic Cooperation, Humanities and Social Sciences in Latvia,vol. 2/3, no. 19/20, 1998, pp. 41 – 101.
Latvia and the European Union: Before and After Amsterdam. In The European Union and the Baltic States. Visions, Interests and Strategies for the Baltic Sea Region. (eds. M. Jopp, B.Lippert ) Bonn: Institut fur Europaische Politik and Finnish Institute of International Relations, 1998, pp. 113 – 144.
Latvia. In Bordering Russia: Theory and Prospects for Europe's Baltic Rim. (ed.H. Mouritzen) London: Ashgate, 1998, pp.131 – 164.
Baltic-Nordic Interaction, Cooperation and Integration. In: Small States in a Turbulent Environment: The Baltic Perspective. (eds. A.Lejins, Z. Ozolina), Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 1997. pp. 113 – 146.