Quality Assurance Workshop with Ukrainian Defence Delegation at BALTDEFCOL, Tartu

On 22-24 October 2024 the Baltic Defence College was honoured to host the delegation of representatives from Ukrainian Ministry of Defence, General Staff and several Professional Military Educational (PME) Institutions. They visited College to participate in the PME related Workshop to share experiences related to education.

The Commandant of BALTDEFCOL, Brigadier General Alvydas Šiuparis, acknowledged Ukrainian military education institutions for their continuous effort to evolve their PME system in such a difficult time for the country. During the workshop he honored the memory of the fallen together with visitors.

The three days of this academic event were spent in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and focused discussions covering range of topics. The different sessions included numerous insightful presentations and deliberations on educational institutions’ quality management systems, quality assurance processes, course certification and institutional accreditation.

At the end of the visit, the BALTDEFCOL signed a Joint Activities Plan for 2025 with National Defence University of Ukraine to promote the exchange of experiences, best practices and to explore educational and research opportunities.

The close ties developed during the meeting laid the foundation for mutually beneficial and lasting cooperation. Next to academic part, there was an opportunity for the visitors to get acquainted with the hospitality of the city of Tartu, the European Capital of Culture 2024.


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