Spring Conference 2004

Spring Conference 2004

3rd May 2004

The Baltic Defence College hosted Monday the 3rd May 2004 a Spring Conference on: 'Focused Advanced Officer Education and Academic Degrees: How to make them mutually reinforcing'.

Among the participants were guests from the IDF College, Israel, academics from the Joint Command and Staff College, United Kingdom, academics from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, representatives from the Finish and Swedish National Defence Colleges, senior military officers from the General Staff and from the Military Colleges of three Baltic States, staff members and JCGSC students from Baltic Defence College.

The aims of the seminar were to:

  • Discuss the role and substance of academic teaching within the advanced military education
  • Learn and benefit from Israeli, Swedish, Finish, Danish, Norwegian, and British reflections and experience on cooperation between Military Academies as well as Staff and War Colleges on one side and Universities on the other;
  • Explore ways of cooperation between the Baltic Military Academies including BALTDEFCOL and the Universities of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania

The main themes of discussion were the:

  • Challenges for the military colleges to adopt their educational programmes in response to developments in international relations and to existing variety of threats
  • Dilemmas of balancing academic education with military studies at the military colleges/academies
  • Military science and what is role of the military science
  • Areas of cooperation between the universities and the military colleges/academies
  • Application of Bologna process for the accreditation of the teaching programs at the military colleges
  • Developing of the Master Programme in War studies at the BALTDEFCOL


Welcome by Mrs. Elizabeth Tromer, Dean of the Baltic Defence College
The future security policy framework and the combination of advanced professional and academic education of officers (Brig. Gen. Michael H. Clemmesen, Commandant of the Baltic Defence College, Denmark)
The dilemmas of combining military and academic studies (LtCol. Amira Raviv, Head of Learning & Development Center, IDF Colleges, Israel)
First and Second Level Military Education on the Light of Bologna Declaration (Maj.Gen. Ant Laaneots, Commandant of the Estonian National Defence Academy, Estonia)
U.K. experience (Dr Virginia Bohdan and Dr Kate Morris, Joint Services Command & Staff College, UK)
Cooperative dimensions in military and academic studies - a view from Latvia (Prof. Inta Brikse, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Latvia and Prof. Zaneta Ozolina, Head of Political Science Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Latvia)
Lithuanian Military Academy Curriculum: University Education Dimension (Prof. Gediminas Vitkus, Head of Political Science Department, Lithuanian Military Academy)
Master Program in War Studies at the BALTDEFCOL (Mrs. Elizabeth Tromer, Dean of the BALTDEFCOL)


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