Baltic Defence College conducted the 1st Curriculum Co-ordination Group (CCG) Meeting 1-3 March, 2006 at the BALTDEFCOL in Tartu. Participants from military educational institutions, MoDs/MoNDs and General Staffs of all three Baltic states were invited to attend the meeting. The role of CCG is to monitor the military education and professional development system for collaborative projects within the Baltic states and coordinate changes in order to achieve an efficient and effective program.
Curriculum Co-ordination Group was established with the agreement of all three Baltic states to ensure that the military education and officers professional development system across all levels is delivering the requirement in an efficient and effective way. The common 4 levels of the professional development system for officers which are stated in the combineD officer professional development programme were supported by National CHoDs and Ministers from all three Baltic states. The 1st meeting of Curriculum Co-ordination Group was started by the Commandant of Baltic Defence College BdeGen Algis Vaičeliūnas. Commandant introduced the new format of the Joint Command and General Staff Course and how it impacts on the Common Military Education and Professional Development system of three Baltic states. Head of Operation Department Col Svein Ruderaas presented aims and end states of Army Intermediate Command and Staff Course (AICSC) and Joint Command and General Staff Course (JCGSC). WgCdr Stephen Dean also presented combined officer professional development program which was supported by all participants of CCG meeting. After all presentations and an introduction of Army Captain Courses aims, end states and rough syllabus, everybody agreed on different levels of ambitions in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. It was clear that there is the need to review the teaching materials (doctrines, field manuals ect.) that are used by Captain Courses in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. A decision was made that Baltic Defence College will prepare a draft of AICSC Program and send it to all Captain Courses by 21st Apr, 2006. Main effort identifying and covering identified gaps will be concentrated on Political studies, Defence management and Officership. Next Curriculum Co-ordination Group meeting will take place in Vilnius (Lithuania) on 22nd – 25th May 2006 where a decision will be made which modules from these areas will be included into International Air force Captains Course at The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy in Vilnius (Lithuania) and International Naval Junior Staff Course at The National Defence Academy in Riga (Latvia).
Prepared by 1st Lt Mindaugas MaštaviÄius