The Baltic Defence College hosted an Estonian Study Information System (ÕIS) Consortium

On 31st May 2017, the Baltic Defence College for the first time had the privilege to host a meeting of the Estonian Study Information System (ÕIS) Consortium, which is conducted semi-annually.

The Deputy Commandant and Chief of Staff, Colonel Axel Pfaffenroth, welcomed the participants with an overview briefing of the College, information on the implementation of ÕIS and BALTDEFCOL´s specific interests in the consortium work.


The meeting was led by Chairwoman Ms Helen Valtmann-Valdson as IT project analyst and Ms Pirgit Kahro as Head of Development of the Information Technology Foundation for Education (HITSA). BALTDEFCOL is permanently represented by its Education Information Systems Manager, Mr Oliver Toots.

During the Consortium meeting topics like the latest developments and statistics, developments and priorities for the next period and outlook on the improved system, which will be implemented in AY 2019/2020 were discussed.

Baltic Defence College became a member of the consortium in June 2016 and started to use ÕIS in fall 2016. The next consortium meeting will be held in Tallinn in October 2017.




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Visit by BG (ret) Michael H. Clemmesen, First Commandant of the Baltic Defence College


Visit by Ambassador of Finland, H.E. Mrs Kirsti Narinen

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