The Commandant's visit to the German Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr in Hamburg 12-13 November 2003


Bde Gen Clemmesen and Maj Gen Hans-Christian Beck During 12-13 November the Commandant visited the Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr to familiarise himself with plans of the Akademie and to discuss possible future co-operation. The visit was hosted by the FühAk Commandant, Major General Hans-Christian Beck.

The Führungsakademie would be positive to a faculty member exchange program if that were to be agreed between the MoDs of Germany and the Baltic states as a replacement of the present unilateral secondment of German staff members to Tartu. However, any military Baltic staff member in Hamburg has to be a good graduate from the German General/ Admiral Staff Course.

The Akademie would, where possible, support the 2004 experimental Higher Command Studies Course, including assist with contacts to high level retired German officers.

The Akademie was positive to the idea of 1-3 week hosting and use of single teachers from the other school (for a specific exercise/teaching block). However, the programmes should arranged in good time ahead (as a minimum a couple of months in advance). The Akademie with identify possible periods in the BALTDEFCOL course plans on the web. In the same way BALTDEFCOL staff can look for possibilities at in "Lehre" or "Lehrgänge".


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The first BALTVIMA Training Seminar November 11-13


Visit of Supreme Commander Transformation Representative in Europe

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