The Energy Security Training Requirements Analysis Workshop in Vilnius
The Baltic Defence Collge participated in the Energy Security Training Requirements Analysis Workshop which took place on 10-12 December 2013 in Vilnius.
The participants of the Energy Security Training Requirements Analysis Workshop, 10th-12th December 2013, Vilnius.
The Workshop was co-organized by the Allied Command Transformation Joint Force Trainer and the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence. The aim of the Workshop was to recognise education and training requirements for NATO and also existing opportunities, which will be later implemented into NATO’s Training Management System within the ITEP - Individual Training and Education Program and the MTEP - Military Training and Exercise Programme. In the event a few institutions were present including military organization: NATO Energy Security Section; NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, MARSEC Centre of Excellence, Military Academy of Lithuania, US Naval Postgraduate School, NATO School in Oberammergau, JFC Brunssum, and also civilian research centers: European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Energy Security Research Centre and Lithuanian Energy Institute. Moreover, representatives of Lithuanian Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs were present.
During the Workshop the Energy Security Training Audience Analysis for Individual and Collective Education and Training was accomplished. The development will be continued by conducting within the Training Needs Analysis. During the workshop some additional briefings were presented including: education and training opportunities offered by the US Naval Postgraduate School; the cyber-security dimension of energy security and also overview of MARSEC COE experiences and activities.