The seminar with the faculty of the National Defence University of Ukraine

The course directors and faculty of the National Defense University of Ukraine (NDUU) named after “Ivan Chernyakhovsky” (NDUU), conducted the seminar related to Professional Military Education (PME) at the Baltic Defence College. COL Andrii Sliusarenko, the NDUU Deputy Head for Academic Affairs, headed the delegation. Next to the delegation, the Defense Education Enhancement Program (NATO DEEP) representatives participated in the seminar along with the faculty of intermediate courses conducted in Lithuania and Latvia. BALTDEFCOL’s Acting Commandant / Chief of Staff, Colonel Dietmar Hartung (DEU A), who provided an update brief about the College's current and future academic activities, welcomed the delegation.  

During the seminar, the working groups, supported by BALTDEFCOL faculty, reviewed respective curricula focusing on courses and modules' aims. It included a discussion about learning outcomes for planned academic activities at tactical, operational and strategic levels. Another important aspect was the coordination of course flow and synchronization among respective levels of PME at the NDUU.

As the outcome of the seminar, the course directors conducted an additional revision of courses during the plenary session, followed by COL Sliusarenko’s academic guidance for further development of PME Courses. Moreover, the Adviser on PME development at the NATO Liaison Office, NATO Representation to Ukraine, elaborated on future areas of support and the way ahead to facilitate the implementation of selected NDUU courses in the next academic year.

The seminar is directly linked with the ongoing reform of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ education system. It has been an opportunity to exchange experiences with respect to delivering education within an international environment and following NATO requirements and needs. Next, a discussion about significant projects between NDUU and BALTDEFCOL was conducted.

The NDUU is the highest military education institution in Ukraine, delivering education for military and civilian personnel of security related entities. It includes education up to the strategic level, including variety of master's and doctoral programs.  


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