The International Society of Military Sciences (ISMS) Conference 2020 was organised by the Finnish National Defence University (FNDU) in Helsinki and was headed by Professor Hannu Kari, the President of the ISMS. This year the Conference was delivered virtually using ZOOM and YouTube as forums for panel discussions and to observe this academic event.
The Conference was opened by Major General Jari Kallio, Rector of the FNDU who highlighted the importance of continuity of education and research in the ‘new normal’ circumstances.
The Virtual Conference consisted of plenary sessions and parallel working group sessions within as many as 10 Working Groups. This year another Working Group was added – “COVID Impacts on Military”. Some 200 participants shared their research, papers and experiences in Virtual Meeting Rooms. It was supplemented by Business Meetings related to Military Science, Young Scholars Forum, Military Journals Editors and Military Librarians session. The Conference was concluded by the Keynote Address delivered by Major General (ret.), PhD Pertti Salminen, former the Rector of FNDU (2004-2009). The ISMS Conference 2021 will be hosted by Royal Military College of Canada between 11 – 14 October 2021.
The College was represented by Dr Zdzislaw Sliwa, the member of the ISMS Council; he also acted as the moderator for Working Group 9 ‘Military Education’. Mr Art Johanson, the BALTDEFCOL lecturer, was the Chairperson for the Working Group 2 ‘Military History’.