The Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) staff visit in the Allied Command Transformation (ACT) was focused on researching future opportunities for BALTDEFCOL contribution to NATO education system. The ACT team hosting the meeting was headed by Brigadier General Athanasios Tsouganatos, the Assistant Chief of Staff for Training and Exercises accompanied by selected staff members responsible for education and training.
The session started with a briefing by Major General Dilans, providing a detailed description of the BALDEFCOL educational process - with the focus of the content of all the courses delivered. Additionally, the Commandant reviewed the future development of the College as professional military education (PME) institution and highlighted the need of enhanced the role of the College as a regional PME education organization for Baltic states and beyond. The ACT staff briefed the Education and Training Spectrum, Political – Military Guidance and Education and Training Framework followed by discussion about requirements and procedures related to certification of courses and accreditation of institutions. The outcome of the discussion was also important to begin future planning for student and NATO Staff participation in education and application through exercises and staff members’ exchanges.
The office call with the SACT General Mercier provided MG Dilans the opportunity to thank the SACT for his visit to BALTDEFCOL and highlighted the outcomes from his visit. Additionally, MG Dilans met with the ACT Chief of Staff Air Marshal Sir Graham Stacey. During the meeting MG Dilans presented a review of the BALTDEFCOL priorities focusing on meeting the three Baltic Capitals guidance to develop partnerships with NATO. Air Marshal Stacey was impressed with the role and education being delivered at the BALTDEFCOL and agreed to participate in the Senior Leaders Course (SLC) as a guest speaker and to assist in coordination with ACT Staff agencies. The visit ended with a gift exchange and an agreement to continue future cooperation.
Office Call with NATO SACT GEN Denis Mercier
During the visit in ACT the BALTDEFCOL delegation was accompanied by the Latvian National Liaison Representative Colonel Aivars Mezors and Lieutenant Colonel Algirdas Mackonis from the ACT JETE TREX branch.