On 6th April, the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) hosted its very first virtual Graduation Ceremony of Civil Servant's Course (CSC) 2020. This year 8 participants from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have successfully completed education. In total, within 15 courses 140 civil servants graduated from the course.
In the light of Covid-19, the Graduation Ceremony took place via Microsoft Teams but it was not less important for the faculty, staff and students of the College. All together 94 participants were listening and monitoring the ceremony via internet. It was preceded by the after action review and discussion about the CSC 2020 looking into implementation of recommendations in the future.
The Commandant, during graduation speech, stressed the importance of civil-military cooperation and the joint ability to adapt to changing conditions. He also complemented the students for a quick adaptation to this circumstances and working effectively with military fellows of the Joint Command and General Staff Course. This civil – military cooperation and interaction was recognized as added value aspect of education in the College.
During the ceremony, Mr. Tauno Suurkivi was awarded with the 'Civil Servant Award' for exemplary academic performance during the Civil Servant's Course 2020 and contribution within civil-military education environment. Mr. Valdis Kapteinis was recognized for performing duties as the Class Leader of the CSC 2020 and significant personal contribution to achieving desired end state of the course.
Baltic Defence College and the College staff wishes good luck to all Civil Servants in their future endeavours. Stay in touch with us and hopefully we will meet again in College's courses or conferences!